Wednesday, January 23, 2008

22. Time Management Lesson Learned - The Hard Way

Where did all the time go?

It seems like just yesterday I had months before the wedding, and suddenly here it is - the end of January, with the wedding on March 8th - and I haven't even cut out the pieces in the real fabric! :(

Using 20-20 hindsight, I realize that I made a simple mistake. I was estimating the level of urgency based on the number of calendar days between today and the wedding, when what I should have been using was the number of days I actually have available to work on the dress!

It turns out there is a very big difference in those 2 estimates! Most months have somewhere between 30 and 31 days in them, right? Plenty of time... But between a full time job, some volunteer tutoring, household chores and Saturday afternoons rock climbing with my husband and our friends, I typically only have 3 or 4 days available when I can really devote a reasonable chunk of time to working on the dress. So suddenly my 30 day month becomes the equivalent of only 3 days worth of progress! Yikes! :(

I hope I can remember this lesson for other projects in the future. For now, I just have to commit all of my time to the dress. Obviously, this may include letting some of the above slip a bit. I may even have to take a few days of work off in February. Hmmm... Staying home to sew instead of going into work - it'll be rough, but I'll try to find some way to bear up under the strain... ;)


Anonymous said...

Wow! This is such an exciting endeavor! I'm really looking forward to seeing the finished product. I'm sure it will be gorgeous!

BTW, I now have my own sewing machine! I am waiting to break it out until I finish one minor task (writing my dis) but it's there, just waiting to be used.

Anonymous said...

Playing hookey from work; my lips are sealed; got for it!